A Travellerspoint blog

Southampton to New York

View 1950 - Post War Europe on greatgrandmaR's travel map.

At the end of the trip, we took a boat train to Southampton and boarded the Nieuw Amsterdam Most of the photos here were taken on board the ship.
my sister beside deck chairs

my sister beside deck chairs

on deck, Mother, Gretchen, me, my sister and her friend

on deck, Mother, Gretchen, me, my sister and her friend

on the way home Aug 50 - me, Walter Zimmerman, Evelyn Pole, Walter Weibreht, Jan Pusch

on the way home Aug 50 - me, Walter Zimmerman, Evelyn Pole, Walter Weibreht, Jan Pusch

me, Wally Zimmerman and others

me, Wally Zimmerman and others

Tony - entertainment director

Tony - entertainment director

Mother, me and my sister

Mother, me and my sister

Mother and a couple having boullion

Mother and a couple having boullion

My mother had a birthday celebration (a week late) - my dad arranged for a birthday cake and roses on our table.
My mother's birthday roses at dinner

My mother's birthday roses at dinner

My mother's birthday cake

My mother's birthday cake

Docking in New York - the end of this trip
M2232-00180006.JPGpilot boat

pilot boat

NY harbor, skyline and bridges

NY harbor, skyline and bridges

After the trip to Europe, our family traveled up and down the East Coast of the US, and my sister and I went to our respective colleges and got married. The next blog I have was written about a trip to Bermuda in 1963

Posted by greatgrandmaR 12:55 Archived in England

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